Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dereliction of Fiduciary Duty

I often wonder how many more new words should I put into my vocabulary chest so that I can write better and deliver a more precise meaning of the concept or train of thoughts I want to express. Maybe a few hundred more.

Three of the words must be dereliction, fiduciary and omnious which I come across countless of time -- the latest being today -- but have not really use them in any of my articles.

There's a saying that goes, "use a word twice and it will be yours forever." SO, here goes:

"Dereliction" is the act of willfully neglecting duties and principles. Its Malay equivalent is "sengaja mengabaikan tugas".

"Fiduciary" is the trust "entrusted" to someone, a legal or ethical relationship of confidence or trust between two or more parties, most commonly a fiduciary and a principal or "amanah" in Malay.

"Ominous" is a situation exhitibing the quality of being "omen", for instance "ominous chain of event." In Malay, ominous is "beralamat buruk".

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Trite Nugatory

... the entire trial would become nugatory. Nugatory:

1. Of no real value

2. Trivial, trifling or of little importance; Ineffective, invalid or futile; Having no force, inoperative, ineffectual; Removable from a computer program with safety, but harmless if retained

3. Of little or no importance, trifling, worthless, not operative, invalid

... it was trite law that the court had absolute discretion whether to grant a stay or not. Trite:

1. Banal: repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

2. Unoriginality as a result of being dull and hackneyed